POST 1: A country i'd like to visit
Hi :), my name is Fernanda and this is my first post, I hope you like it.
The country that I would like to visit is Japan because i have always been interested in its culture, its architecture and its language, which is clearly different from ours. I know very little about this country becase I have only seen references from Japanese animations, images or documentaries. I know by general culture that Japan is basically an archipelago made up of several islands located in East Asia and its capital is Tokyo, which is the largest city in the world.
Live, study or work?
I don't know if I could live in a place so far from my family and my friends, where I would have to start practically from zero, also where the language is totally different from Spanish. However, I would love to vacation and be there for a couple of months to get to know as well as possible, and then reconsider what I said previously. I would like to visit towns like Takayama, Itsukushima, Shirakawago and Kanazawa because these represent the traditional Japanese style.
I had no idea that Tokyo was the largest city in the world! :o I as well really like the architecture, it's really different from anything i've ever seen :)